
Compatible with a wide range of vehicles, including Dodge, Toyota, Ford, Kia, Jeep, Hyundai, Mercedes, Land Rover, Audi, BMW, Range Rover, Jaguar, and many others.

The Only True Anti-Theft System.

The Igla system secures your car against key cloning, key theft, and car hacking. The Igla system has no key fobs or LED indications to give away its locations. Instead, it allows you to create a unique PIN code sequence that must be entered to disarm the system before the car will start.

100% Success Rate

Installed On 600,000+ cars and none have ever been stolen.


✅ Engine start blocking without user-defined PIN code

✅ No circuit cuts make the alarm undetectable using diagnostics

✅ Cannot be bypassed using standard theft methods

✅ Service mode/ Valet mode means the PIN code is never compromised

✅ Protection from Key Cloning, Car Jacking, ECU Swapping and Key Theft

✅ Mobile App allows a single smartphone pairing through encrypted communication


Because stealing a car is so easy and car theft is on the rise.

If you have a push button to start car it’s even easier. Thieves use RF scanners to intercept your car key signal copy it. Then they use that signal to unlock your car, start it, and drive away. If it unlocks the car, they can then get into the car, plug into the odb2 port with a key copying scan tool, and make a copy of your car key in seconds. It’s as simple as that.

It’s so easy dealerships are getting cars stolen right off their lots, and there’s nothing they can do to stop it.

If you had an Igla alarm, they could open the car but never start without inputting the code; they couldn’t even make a key without the code.

*specific models only, consult your local installer